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Our Vision

Our vision serves as the framework that guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving quality sustainable growth as shown hereunder:

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Stakeholders’ value

  • We shall maintain a sustainable and profitable business for our shareholders.
  • We shall ensure that our employees are happy and additionally rewarded through performance incentives.
  • We shall create enduring partnerships with both our suppliers and customers alike.
  • We shall enable our suppliers to meet the same demanding standards of service and / or product that we set upon ourselves.
  • We shall use KPIs to measure our performance with our customers and shall endeavour to conduct (and surpass) such performance measures during all measurement periods.
  • We shall take calculated business shared risks with our customers, as demonstration of our ethos, “Strength through Partnerships”.
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Demographical representation

  • We recognise our role in developing our employees and communities, and through our approach of being demographically representative, we intend to address our societal imbalances of the past.
  • To this extent, we shall endeavour to maintain the highest possible level of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) measurement.  Xeon Logistics is a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor and is rated 74th in South Africa’s top BEE rated companies.
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Demographical representation

  • We recognise our role in developing our employees and communities, and through our approach of being demographically representative, we intend to address our societal imbalances of the past.
  • To this extent, we shall endeavour to maintain the highest possible level of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) measurement.  Xeon Logistics is a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor and is rated 74th in South Africa’s top BEE rated companies.
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Quality management system

  • We shall maintain a quality management system to meet the requirements of an ISO 9001:2015 quality standard and further develop quality systems applicable for our customers’, and own, needs. Xeon Logistics is ISO 9001:2015 accredited.
  • Xeon shall maintain its logistics and warehousing processes in adherence with the recommendations defined under the ISO 13485:2016 standards.  Xeon is ISO 13485:2016 certified and shall continue to retain this accreditation
  • Xeon operates under the structure and governance of the pharmaceutical standards as defined by our SAHPRA pharma license.
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Environmentally responsible

  • We shall be responsible citizens that make a difference to the planet by minimizing environmental impact.
  • We shall observe environmental laws, regulations, rules and requirements.
  • We shall minimise the production of waste and residual product, and maximise effective use and recycling of resources and materials.
  • We shall promote global warming prevention and dedicate ourselves to eliminate and / or reduce harmful activities.
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Environmentally responsible

  • We shall be responsible citizens that make a difference to the planet by minimizing environmental impact.
  • We shall observe environmental laws, regulations, rules and requirements.
  • We shall minimise the production of waste and residual product, and maximise effective use and recycling of resources and materials.
  • We shall promote global warming prevention and we dedicate ourselves to eliminate and / or reduce this substance of concern.

Our Mission

Our mission is to proudly partner with our customers by simplifying their lives, through the provision of value adding, sustainable and innovative supply chain solutions. Our mission is our enduring statement of our declared purpose as a company. The core values supporting our mission includes the following actions:

  • To demonstrate pride
  • To build strength through partnerships
  • To create sustainable added value
  • To inspire people, create amazing moments and challenge our thoughts and actions
  • To execute our responsibilities with utmost honour and integrity