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An organisation is only as smart as the technology behind it

Xeon harnesses the power of a globally recognised best of breed ERP platform with bespoke customer solutions and processes tailored to meet the exact needs of our client base.


and integrated

Through our inhouse built and supported middleware platform, Xeon is able to integrate almost anything with almost anyone.

This solution gives us a proven agility to integrate with new clients rapidly, to shorten the lead time of client deployments.  Integration options include EDIfact, xml and csv file formats as well and through API integration.  Translation of data, and data enrichment or enhancement requirements can be met through our own proprietary middleware platform, prior to ingesting the information into our ERP platform.

Return data transmission is similarly integrated for inbound goods receipt confirmation, and pick confirmation, to return time sensitive data back into the principal’s inventory system, using their format of choice.

Xeon digital connections

Integration options between Xeon’s ERP and our partners

Interfaces and integration enables timeous and accurate synchronisation of orders, inventory, stock receipts and invoicing, enabling inventory to be maintained accurately and aligned across both organisations’ inventory systems.



When you succeed – we succeed.  That is why Xeon operates not only as a logistics partner but also as an extension of your business.  Our emphasis of building partnerships and integrating across our organisations extends well beyond our highly skilled staff.  Our objective is always to connect systems, people and processes with an end-to-end solution that offers visibility, collaboration and intelligence.

Through our cloud-based communication portal – Customer Connect – customers enjoy convenient access to invaluable information in real-time, including:

Xeon digital connections


and analytics

Information is power. Xeon empowers its principals with power through provision of reports and information related to key performance indicators (KPIs).  Automated daily reports are triggered out of our ERP system and can be delivered through an SFTP file transfer mechanism or automated email.